It was one of the great mysteries in the Canadian fund market: why had no one created an ETF version of the balanced index mutual fund?
These days you can find ETFs focusing on just about every sub-sector of the market, and a pile of others with active strategies that make particle physics look easy by comparison. Yet until last week, no one offered an index ETF that included a simple mix of global equities and bonds. That’s shocking when you consider the balanced mutual fund is a staple in the industry, with over $766 billion in assets as of December. That’s more than five times the assets held by all Canadian ETFs combined.
That yawning gap has now been filled with the launch of three new ETFs from Vanguard. The new family of asset allocation ETFs are built using seven other ETFs. The Vanguard Conservative ETF Portfolio (VCNS) holds 40% stocks and 60% bonds, while the Vanguard Balanced ETF Portfolio (VBAL) uses the opposite proportion. The most aggressive version, the Vanguard Growth ETF Portfolio (VGRO), is 80% equities. All three ETFs carry a very competitive management fee of just 0.22% (expect the MER, which includes taxes, to come in at about 0.24%).
The reaction to the launch of these new funds was swift and overwhelmingly positive. Indeed, they’re probably the most important new ETFs to be launched in Canada in the last couple of years. So let’s spend some time considering whether they’re right for your portfolio.
What’s under the hood
Each of the new funds is built from four equity and three bond ETFs: the only difference is the proportion allocated to each. You can find the specific breakdown in the ETFs’ marketing brochure.
Let’s look at the equity component first. The underlying holdings include the Vanguard FTSE Canada All Cap (VCN) and Vanguard U.S. Total Market (VUN) for North America. For overseas stocks, the funds hold the Vanguard FTSE Developed All Cap ex North America (VIU) for western Europe, Japan and Australia, and the Vanguard FTSE Emerging Markets All Cap (VEE) for China, Taiwan, India, Brazil and other developing economies. All of these underlying ETFs use plain-vanilla, cap weighted indexes of large, mid and small-cap stocks.
While my model portfolios assign one-third each to Canadian, US, and international equities, the Vanguard ETFs allocate things a bit differently. In all three ETFs, Canadian stocks make up 30% of the equity allocation, while the US gets about 38% and overseas stocks get the other 32%. The international allocation is then subdivided with 77% in developed markets and 23% in emerging.
On the fixed income side, the new ETFs use a mix of Canadian and foreign bonds. About 59% of the fixed income in each fund is allocated to the Vanguard Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF (VAB), with another 18% to the Vanguard U.S. Aggregate Bond (VBU), and about 23% to the Vanguard Global ex-U.S. Aggregate Bond (VBG). These latter two funds use currency hedging, which is essential for foreign bonds.
What to make of Vanguard’s decision to include US and global bonds? As I’ve written before, I’m agnostic on this question: since interest rates in foreign countries do not move in lockstep with those in Canada, a global bond allocation might reduce volatility, but the benefit is modest, and if you’re managing your own portfolio it’s not worth juggling three funds. However, if there’s no additional work or cost involved, then it’s probably just fine to include US and global fixed income.
Kudos to Vanguard for sticking to the core asset classes in these funds, for using traditional cap-weighted indexes, and for setting a long-term asset mix that won’t change based on economic forecasts. They could have tossed in their new factor-based ETFs, or dividend-focused funds, or given the manager a wide berth to tweak the allocations, but they didn’t. That was a wise choice, because trying to improve on this simple model is, in my opinion, one of the knocks against many robo-advisors, who can’t resist adding unnecessary asset classes that sound sophisticated but do little more than pile on cost and complexity.
The appeal of one-fund portfolios
A couple of years ago, my model ETF portfolio evolved to includes just three funds instead of five, as the launch of new “ex-Canada” equity ETFs allowed investors to get US, international and emerging markets in a single fund. These new Vanguard asset allocation ETFs makes life even simpler by rolling the whole portfolio into a single fund. That should reduce the number of trades you need to make, and remove the need to rebalance. (The fund literature is not specific about how often this will occur.)
There are other advantages to a one-fund solution as well. When your portfolio includes a different fund for each asset class, it’s easy to dwell on the individual parts rather than the whole. (“My portfolio returned 8% last year, but Canadian stocks didn’t do as well as international. Maybe this year I should put less in Canada.”) With a one-fund portfolio, you’re less likely to fall prey to these distractions and stay focused on the long term.
The new Vanguard ETFs are also much cheaper than other one-stop solutions, such as the Tangerine Investment Funds and robo-advisors. The obvious disadvantage of ETFs is that you usually pay a commission to buy and sell them, whereas index mutual funds and most robo-advisors don’t have trading costs. But if you’re now able to use only one ETF per account, you may still come out ahead even if you’re paying $10 per trade.
Consider the Tangerine funds, which are simple, convenient and well diversified, but carry a relatively high fee of 1.07%. A $50,000 holding in one of the Tangerine funds would carry an annual fee of $535. If we tack on a couple of basis points for taxes, the new Vanguard ETFs should have an MER of about 0.24%, giving that $50,000 holding an annual fee of just $120. Even if you spend another $10 per month on commissions your all-in cost would still be less than half as much as the Tangerine option.
The new balanced ETFs offer a similar cost advantage over robo-advisors, most of whom add an additional 0.50% fee to the cost of the underlying ETFs. One of the primary advantages of robo-advisors over do-it-yourself options is the automatic rebalancing, but now that this feature is built in to the Vanguard ETFs, the value offered by a robo-advisor is somewhat less than it used to be.
Not so fast
Since the ETFs were announced on February 1, my inbox has been bursting with emails from readers who want to know whether these funds have revolutionizing index investing in Canada. Many seem to think virtually every other option—Tangerine, the TD e-Series funds, robo-advisors, and even portfolios of individual ETFs—have become obsolete overnight.
Now there’s no doubt the Vanguard asset allocation ETFs will have broad appeal for investors who want to keep things simple without paying more for convenience. But before you liquidate your portfolio and go all-in with a brand new ETF, make sure you consider the big picture.
One of the key benefits of mutual fund options such as Tangerine and TD’s e-Series is that they allow you to set up pre-authorized contributions, and these get invested automatically. (This is also true for robo-advisors, though they use ETFs rather than mutual funds.) Don’t underestimate the importance of disciplined savings and systematic investing. If you use an asset allocation ETF instead, you’ll need to make a trade every time you add money to your accounts. Even with a one-fund portfolio, you can easily fall into the trap of wondering whether this is the “right time” to buy.
The point here is that if you are successfully using one of these other options and you’re not enthusiastic about buying ETFs, don’t feel pressured to switch.
And while a one-ETF solution is a great choice for investors who hold all of their investments in TFSAs and RRSPs, those with larger portfolios may want more flexibility. If you have a large non-registered account as well, you may want to consider using individual ETFs for each asset class for more tax-efficiency.
These new Vanguard asset allocation ETFs are a welcome addition to the marketplace, and if you’re looking for an easy way to get started with ETFs, you just found it. But always remember that investing is about process, not products. Cheap and easy solutions certainly help, but in the end it’s up to you to stay focused on saving, investing with discipline, and tuning out the noise.
@Brian: I can’t make recommendations like this for individuals. The Vanguard ETFs are excellent products, but I can’t know whether they’re appropriate for your parents’ situation.
Hi Dan,
Am I correct in assuming that using Questrade and their no fees for buying ETFs would be a perfect way to utilize the one-fund solution for a TFSA or RRSP? That way a monthly contribution would not be an issue so long as I am diligent in making the contributions and trades each month.
@Kevin: Yes, I think that’s fair. As long as you are comfortable placing the trades manually every month, a single ETF and no trading commissions is a pretty sweet combination.
how exactly do i buy the vgro … long term investing… set it and forget it…
i opened a questrade account…
i need to fill in the following:
order type
limit price
Hi Dan,
I am a dividend investor, and I am very comfortable owning individual stocks for my personal portfolio.
But, my brothers and some of my friends are scare to participate in stocks markets and they think it is pure gambling. They put their saving into GICs and ultra-low rate accounts and surely losing money for inflation.
All of them have so many years to retire. I suggest them to buy Vanguard broad market ETFs using Questrade (no commission fees for ETF purchases), but they are still scare to dead with stock market. How to engage them to participate?
Hi Dan,
Is it beneficial to have more than one of these Vanguard all in one ETFs? For example investing x dollars in the VGROW and y dollars in VBAL?
@Nicholas: In theory, you could use a combination of the two to adjust your asset allocation so it is somewhere between the two. But I wouldn’t recommend this: it seems unnecessarily complicated. If anything, it would be cheaper and easier to use VGRO plus a bond fund to make it a little more conservative.
Hi Dan. Your column advises against using these asset allocation ETFs for taxable accounts due to their payment of dividends, which I get.
However, the pre-balanced nature of the funds means you will never have to balance the fund yourself, an exercise which can trigger significant capital gains in a non-registered account. How do you best balance these two unpalatable alternatives?
@Cam: Remember that, in theory anyway, asset allocation ETFs will likely have to sell some underlying holdings and buy others when doing their own rebalancing, so they can realize gains and pass them along to their investors. Granted, in practice this is not likely to be a major issue, as the ETFs will likely rebalance constantly using cash inflows and probably will not distribute a lot of taxable gains (though time will tell if this is true).
IF you choose to use individual ETFs in your non-registered account, you might end up realizing more capital gains, but I don’t think there is any reason to presume this will be the case. You have control over when and how much you sell, you can rebalance with cash inflows, you can do tax-loss selling, you can do most of your rebalancing in your RRSP and TFSA, etc. So I don’t think the one-ETF solution is inherently more tax-efficient.
Hi Dan,
I am a new couch potato investor! I am in my early 30’s and have about 65k to invest in my TFSA. I am leaning towards putting everything into VGRO, which is a great asset mix for me right now…BUT…may not be in 10-15 years (I have already purchased VGRO for my RRSP, which is modest). In my mind, I have told myself that I can just change my asset mix in 10-15 years by doing a quick switch (sell/buy) from VGRO to VBAL. Is this crazy? Is it more worthwhile to use either your model CCP portfolio or Justin Benders model portfolio so that I have the flexibility to change my asset mix by simply adding new money to my bond allocations every few years?
Hi Dan,
Love your site and the information you provide! Thank you! I just recently started investing and chose to go with the Vanguard VGRO one fund solution. In your post you wrote that VGRO consists of seven underlying funds (which is also shown in the linked Vanguard brochure), however on the Vanguard website it says that VGRO has only three underlying Vanguard funds as of close 30 May 2018:
1) PercentageVanguard FTSE Canada All Cap Index ETF 60.0%
2) Vanguard Canadian Aggregate Bond Index ETF28.5%
3) Vanguard Global ex-US Aggregate Bond ETF CAD Hedged11.5%
Do you know what is going on?
Thank you!
@Stefan: Thanks for the comment. The information about the holdings in the Vanguard Asset Allocation ETFs has been incorrect on their website for some time. They are aware of the issue and I hope they will fix it soon. In the meantime, the holdings of each fund are disclosed in the monthly fact sheets. Here are links to the most recent versions:
@Leah: There is nothing at all wrong with using one of the Vanguard Asset Allocation ETFs for a number of years and then switching to a more conservative one later in life. Indeed, by that time there will no doubt be other products available, so there is no need to plan that far ahead. If using one of these ETFs motivates you to save and invest regularly, go for it.
I am new to ETF investing and just trying to wrap my head around the top holdings data for VGRO. It allocates most of its funds, 30.4%, to US market but it’s top 5 holdings are Canadian companies such as RBC, TD, and Suncor with Apple being #6. How is it possible Canadian companies are the top holdings if it has most of the fund allocated to US market? Is the information on the Vanguard site inaccurate?
@Kris: The Vanguard site is inaccurate. Please see my response to Stefan, below.
Hi Dan, do you have any recommended funds/portfolios (index mutual fund or ETFs) for taxable accounts?
@SD: The only funds that are not ideal for taxable accounts would be the bond funds. More tax-efficient options would be GICs or specialty ETFs such as ZDB, BXF or HBB.
Thanks for your reply. I actually came across your article here:
Perhaps I shall do GICs instead of bond ETFs then, or a mix of both.
I am 49, well 50 in November. I have had a fairly successful business for 15 years that I am now winding down, not necessarily by choice. I will have to work for another 10 or so years but boo hoo. You can’t win them all where would you put them. Point is the same brain that gave the opportunity to start the business is the same brain that I guesstimate has cost me hundreds of thousands in losses, pain, shame anguish, guilt, you get the picture. People miss the point is that investing for most people is emotional, for me it always has been. VGRO is a perfect solution for me. I buy one fund, pay very little in fees reinvest the distributions and wait. I put 50% of my $450000.00 (total value of RRSP into VGRO. The balance is in the average top 10 holding of all the big banks Canadian dividend funds. Example BMO dividend fund. I am guesstimating a yield of 2.75-3.75% and average growth 10-15 years of 7.50-9.50% average which if I use the rule of 72 assumes my money will double twice or so in the next 15 years, which could be as much as $1.8 Million. I love stocks, I love markets, I love the “juice”, which is exactly why I should not manage my own money.
Just my 2 cents
Hi Dan,
Thanks for the generous work you’re doing here.
Do you have a sense of an approximate ballpark figure for the annual returns for these three new ETFs? I know the data isn’t available yet, but perhaps extrapolation from similarly allocated prortfolios could shed light?
@Jason: The ETFs are barely six months old, so the returns are really quite meaningless at this point. But you can get monthly returns on any ETF from Morningstar if you are interested. For the three-month period ending July 17, they report 5.12% for VGRO and 1.44% for VCNS. For some reason they have no report for VBAL.
Hi Dan,
Any advice on how to switch from an over-complicated portfolio (12 ETFs, holding CAD and USD, Total market and small-cap, based on gone fishin’ portfolio…) to this new one-fund strategy. It’s quite appealing to me.
I had over 300K $, should I sell everything and buy in one operation? Would it be wise to do so? I’m mostly thinking to fees like bid-ask spread and also big swing in market between my 2 operations. I don’t want to jeopardize 20 years of saving with a stupid move.
Kind regards
@boutchitos: As you can appreciate, I cannot give you advice about what or when to sell. But some general comments: the costs due to bid-ask spreads should be quite manageable. Even if you conservatively assume 0.10%, or 2 cents on a $20 ETF, that’s $300 on the whole portfolio. And of course, the spread will be roughly the same whether you make a big move all at once or do it gradually.
As for a big market move harming you, this should not be a problem either as long as you are keeping your asset allocation roughly the same. If you plan your trades, you should be able to transition from the old portfolio to the new within an hour.
Hi Dan…I have been loosely following your model portfolio advice for a number of years. At one point, your model portfolio recommended VAB. Over the time Ive held this ETF (cash margin account) it has dropped over 5%. Do you have an opinion on rebalancing this ETF into something different?
Dan, you are so valuable :)
“And of course, the spread will be roughly the same whether you make a big move all at once or do it gradually.”
I wish I had thought about this myself :)
I’m faced with a challenge (to switch from over complicated portfolio to one-fund solution; see my posts before). I had 35% of my portfolio in USD. “Northern Gambit”-ing this money back in CAD will take too long.
I had not find equivalent one-fund solution from Vanguard USA. But, there is multi-assets ETFs at BlackRock USA (AOR, AOM, AOA, AOK). I will buy an equivalent ETF there to match with my one-fund solution at Vanguard Canada.
Then, I will Gambit back my USD money to CAD, a small chunk at a time, may be 10% each time. This will account for 3.5% of my portfolio outside the market each time. I can live with this.
This is the best I come up with. Any opinions on this strategy?
@Darren: This should help:
Hi Dan
thanks for everything! is it more tax benefical to have VGRO in a TFSA or RRSP? given VGRO is more stock heavy, I imagine it would be better in a TFSA as the capital gains/dividends wont be taxed? or am i missing something?
@jo: Thanks for the comment. There is no straightforward answer to your question: it depends on what you are holding elsewhere in the portfolio. If you have both an RRSP and a TFSA, then there is nothing at all wrong with using a fund like VGRO in both.
Hello Dan, I was looking at the VGRO ETF price on google finance ~ $25.25 CAD. I went into my investment account to see what the market bid prices were and they were ~ $29.90 CAD. Is this price gap due to hedging on some of the ETFs within the fund? thanks
@mark: My guess is that there was simply an error here: either Google or your brokerage was showing the wrong price.
Hi Dan! I’m looking to put 10k as starting amount and then add more money over time to my TFSA. I will buy VGRO. My question is how to buy it. I have 2 options; either open a Questrade or a TD brokage account. Which way is best?
@Anna: If you never plan on buying anything other than ETFs, then Questrade probably has the edge. TD Direct would be preferable if you want more options, such as GICs and TD e-Series funds.
J’avais précédemment lu sur le portefeuille Vangard(VGRO).Comme je voulais investir dans un REEE, il faut que je trouve un fournisseur qui propose la subvention provinciale (IQEE). Je croyais que Q trade pouvait l’offrir mais sont basé en C.B. et n’offre pas ce service. Pour ceux qui ont investit dans ce fond (VGRO) au Québec, pouvez-vous me donner le nom de certains fournisseurs
de ce FNB ? Merci à l’avance
@Carole: Here is a list of brokerages that offer the QESI. Only a few of these allow self-directed investors to buy ETFS, but these include BMO InvestorLine, National Bank Direct and Questrade:
Hi Dan,
Love your podcasts and website. I wanted your opinion on the new Horizon All-in-one ETF, ticker HBAL. It seems that these funds are not actually holding any of the underlying etfs or securities. Thoughts?
Dan: I too would like your comments on HBAL as well as Horizon’s similar but more aggressively structured sibling ETFs. I probably won’t be a candidate myself, as I have built my own tax efficient (I hope) conservative diversified package for my own largish non registered account, using some of the same underlying Horizon’s components (HBB, HXS, but not HXT, preferring to pay my taxes up front on Canadian dividends from a regular Canadian Index ETF), but my wife, who has limited interest in portfolio management and self-education might find it useful. One reservation I have is that the underlying Horizon asset components differ in proportion from the ratios that I have come to regard as rational and optimum for the average Canadian. I would welcome some insight here.
A practical consideration here might be that even if a review shows HBAL to be as efficient as my current DIY portfolio for essentially the same price and less work, it wouldn’t be prudent for me to switch because of the triggering of capital gains and the ensuing one-time taxation hit.
Re: Horizon’s choices — my mistake, I guess “HBAL” is actually the more aggressive ETF, with the more conservative ETF being called “HCON”, Another question is that when the Horizon’s website advises that all US dollar exposure is “hedged” back to Canadian currency, do they mean a simple currency conversion, or is there some active process that is being used?
@Adam and Oldie: I share the concern that the Horizons fund contains components that I would never include were I building a portfolio from scratch (notably 18% to the NASDAQ 100). In my view, this is letting the tail (tax concerns) wag the dog (investment concerns).
The terminology about being “hedged back to Canadian dollars” simply means a traditional currency hedging strategy is used. No currency is actually converted: the fund simply buys currency forward contracts designed to reduce or eliminate the effect of the USD/CAD exchange rate. This is a surprising strategy, as they underlying US equity ETFs in the are not hedged, so I’m not sure why Horizons decided to add hedging in their balanced ETFs. (Though adding hedging does make sense for the US bond component.)
First time commenting and I just want to start by saying thank you for your work. It’s been really eye opening over the past years reading your blog and listening to your podcasts.
I know these one fund solutions are currently not in your recommended portfolio at this time, but would you mind including your thoughts on these one fund solutions when you write about your CCP returns in your January/February article?
@Eric: Thanks for the comment. I will likely include a discussion of these ETFs in the “year in review” article.
As a young investor (TFSA) I’m not a big fan of VGRO – too much Canadian (or not enough US).
Is there something out there that’s like a VGRO but with more American exposure?
Or, do I just buy individual ETFs, and if so, what are the relative costs (MERS) when compared
to an all-in-one? What are the tax implications going more US with a Canadian acct.
@maddy: if you want more US exposure than VGRO offers, you’ll have to buy individual ETFs. In terms of MER this will be a little cheaper than the all-in-one fund, though obviously would require more trades to maintain. In a TFSA, US equities are subject to a non-recoverable withholding tax of 15% on dividends, which does not apply to Canadian equities.
Hi Dan,
I understand that VGRO is an ETF of ETF’s…
The MER is around 0.24%…but my question is
0.24% is the MER of VGRO ETF, but what about the management fees of those sub ETF’s? Do they add up to the main management fees, to bring them close to 0.35%?
Thanks alot for your time.
@Tony: In “funds of funds” like this, the MERs are not doubled-up. If you hold VGRO, the fees in the underlying funds are rebated and you only pay the 0.24%.
Dan: Thanks for this article.I just read “Beat the Bank” and on page 177 he talks about these Vanguard offerings having “an MER expected to be in the area of 0.25%. I am interested in the VBAL fund and when I go their website the management fee is 0.24%, but the MER is left blank with this notation “VBAL was recently launched on January 25, 2018, thus the MER is not available at this time.” So I am confused about the interplay between the management fee and the MER but ultimately want to know what the bottom line will be. Is the management fee included in the MER? Can you help?
@Scott: A fund’s MER is generally the management fee plus taxes, which are generally about 10%. So if the management fee is 0.24%, expect the total MER to be about 0.26% or so (that’s 0.24% x 1.10). Technically MER is backward-looking (i.e. funds report what it was over the previous 12 months), so new funds cannot report it until they have a full year under their belt.
Thanks for this. It clears things up for me.
Dan: Thank you very much for the great podcasts and articles. I am absolute fan of yours! I have two questions:
1) I am totally sold on one-fund solution and considering transition my portfolio to one fund – VGRO over the next year. However you mentioned that it may not be ideal for non registered account, could you clarify this? Would $300/$400k portfolio be too large for a one-fund solution? If yes, why? What would be your advice as an alternative otherwise?
2) I hold 50% of my portfolio is in USD and I intend to keep it as such but I am looking to a similar solution without great success. I don’t seem to be able to purchase Vanguard Lifestrategy mutual fund (VASGX) through my broker Questrade; The Ishares equivalent AOA is a bit expensive with 0.35% MER… After a lot of research I found the best solution would need to be two funds: VT/BNDW, there are a few articles online proposing this two stock portfolio, I would really love to hear your thoughts on holding these two ETFs as a canadian investor.
Thank you!
@FanDan: Thanks for the comment.
1) I don’t think VGRO is a problem in taxable accounts. Traditional bond funds tend to be tax-inefficient and are not ideal in a non-registered account. However, as interest rates have risen over the last two years or so, the problem of tax-inefficient premium bonds is not nearly as great as it once was. Moreover, VGRO is only 20% bonds. Things would be different if the ETF you were considering was, say, 50% or 60% fixed income and most of these were premium bonds. Then it would be worth looking at other options.
2) You cannot buy US-domiciled mutual funds in Canada. And while you can buy US-listed ETFs, be careful about taking portfolio construction advice from US sources, because the situations are different. As discussed in the podcast, it’s usually not a good idea to take currency risk with fixed income, so BNDW is not something I would ever recommend for the typical Canadian investor.
If you want to hold USD in your account, then you will necessarily be making the portfolio more complicated. You could use the USD to hold your US and international equities using US-listed ETFs (something like VT could do the trick here) and use the CAD to hold Canadian equities and bonds. But this is far from a one-fund simple solution.
It’s also worth questioning the idea of holding USD at all. You could convert it very cheaply using Norbert’s gambit, and you could get all the USD and foreign curency exposure you want/need using Canadian ETFs that unvest in US and international equities. Remember, too, that managing US-denominated ETFs in a taxable account makes your bookeeping much more difficult. Some background: