Inside Tangerine’s Global ETF Portfolios
Asset allocation ETFs were revolutionary when they appeared in 2018, but they were hardly the first products that allowed Canadian investors to own a diversified index portfolio with a single fund. Wa [...]
Asset allocation ETFs were revolutionary when they appeared in 2018, but they were hardly the first products that allowed Canadian investors to own a diversified index portfolio with a single fund. Wa [...]
The ongoing popularity of asset allocation ETFs is undoubtedly a good thing—maybe even revolutionary. Canadians have enthusiastically embraced the one-ticket portfolios from Vanguard and iShares in pa [...]
In our last blog and video, Justin and I compared the popular Vanguard and iShares asset allocation ETFs, both of which are options in our model portfolios. But although these two fund families get al [...]
Two of the biggest trends in investing these days are the popularity of one-fund portfolios and the focus on sustainability. A new family of iShares ETFs has combined these two key trends in a way tha [...]
The newly launched Vanguard Retirement Income ETF Portfolio (VRIF) is designed to pay its unitholders a consistent monthly cash flow equal to a 4% annual yield. In my last post, I explained how these [...]
In my last post, I introduced the new Vanguard Retirement Income ETF Portfolio (VRIF), an asset allocation ETF designed for people drawing down their portfolio to meet regular expenses. VRIF holds an [...]
When Vanguard launched its family of one-ETF portfolios back in 2018, Canadians embraced them enthusiastically. And why not? These so-called “asset allocation ETFs” took a good idea—a balanced mutual [...]
It’s been a stressful few months for investors using the popular swap-based ETFs from Horizons. These funds have been available since 2011 and have attracted some $5.3 billion in assets because of the [...]
The new asset allocation ETFs launched by Vanguard and iShares in 2018 have made it easier than ever for investors to build a low-cost balanced portfolio. If you want a globally diversified mix of 80% [...]
Back in February, writing about the newly launched Vanguard’s asset allocation ETFs, I asked why it had taken so long for someone to create an ETF version of the traditional balanced index mutual fund [...]