Inside TD’s One-Click ETF Portfolios
The ongoing popularity of asset allocation ETFs is undoubtedly a good thing—maybe even revolutionary. Canadians have enthusiastically embraced the one-ticket portfolios from Vanguard and iShares in pa [...]
The ongoing popularity of asset allocation ETFs is undoubtedly a good thing—maybe even revolutionary. Canadians have enthusiastically embraced the one-ticket portfolios from Vanguard and iShares in pa [...]
In our last blog and video, Justin and I compared the popular Vanguard and iShares asset allocation ETFs, both of which are options in our model portfolios. But although these two fund families get al [...]
In the brief time they’ve been around, asset allocation ETFs have transformed the way DIY index investors manage their portfolios. These balanced funds have become the default choice, as it’s harder a [...]
The new asset allocation ETFs launched by Vanguard and iShares in 2018 have made it easier than ever for investors to build a low-cost balanced portfolio. If you want a globally diversified mix of 80% [...]
While the yellow metal can lower your volatility, it will probably also reduce your expected return. [MoneySense]
Think about all the elements you need to be a successful index investor. First, you need to choose the right mix of stocks and bonds, and to adjust that mix as you approach retirement. Your portfolio [...]
There are several good reasons to overweight Canadian equities in your portfolio {MoneySense]
Deciding on the right asset allocation can cause investors a lot of grief—far too much, in fact, since there is no such thing as a perfect mix of stocks and bonds. In his excellent book Your Money and [...]
Asset allocation is more art than science. There are no immutable laws to tell you what proportion of stocks and bonds should be in your portfolio. The best you can do is adopt rules of thumb. “Make y [...]
Investing can seem so complicated. Building a portfolio can involve dozens of decisions, each of which seems terribly important. Here are a few that readers have mulled over recently, according to ema [...]