GICs have a hidden commission
GIC commissions are so well hidden that few investors even know they exist. [MoneySense]
GIC commissions are so well hidden that few investors even know they exist. [MoneySense]
How to leave your mutual fund advisor to become a DIY investor [MoneySense]
The second episode of the Canadian Couch Potato podcast is now available: Our new episode features financial planner Sandi Martin, who will be well-known to readers of Canadian financial blogs: she ha [...]
The Canadian, US and international markets all fell more than 5% last week, the sharpest weekly drop we’ve seen in almost four years. Then on August 24, global markets plunged even further. If you wer [...]
On the day his company announced it was acquiring Claymore, BlackRock’s CEO Bill Chinery called ETFs “electric cars in a world of internal combustion engines.” What he meant was that ETFs, despite the [...]
Dan Solin’s excellent new book, The Smartest Portfolio You’ll Ever Own (see my review here), devotes several chapters to whether passive investors should work with an advisor. It’s a question I’ve con [...]
I recently received the following article from an investment advisor in western Canada. It contains a proven strategy for achieving outstanding returns, and the advisor has agreed to share it with rea [...]
John Lawrence Reynolds' newest book, The Skeptical Investor, argues that Canadians were badly served by their advisors during the crash of 2008–09. The book has all the wit and outrage of his previous [...]