You don’t need a lot of mathematical horsepower to be a Couch Potato investor. Indeed, simplicity is one of the strategy’s virtues: just keep your costs low, diversify widely, and stick to the plan. But if you’re a finance geek, it can be fun to delve into the more arcane theories behind index investing.
One of the most interesting chapters in Rick Ferri’s The Power of Passive Investing (Wiley, 2010) looks at how academics have learned where investment returns come from. Twenty years ago, if a money manager beat the market, it was pretty much impossible to explain why. Was the outperformance due to skill (or alpha)? Did the manager simply take more risk? Or did he just get lucky? Until recently, we didn’t have the tools to answer those questions.
Now we can get very close. The work of professors Eugene Fama and Kenneth French in the 1990s showed that a portfolio’s returns can be largely explained by three risk factors: its overall allocation to stocks (called the market factor, or beta), its exposure to small-cap stocks (the size factor), and its exposure to stocks with high book-to-market ratios (the value factor). In plain English, this means stocks are riskier than fixed-income investments, and therefore should deliver higher long-term returns. In addition, small-cap and value stocks are riskier than the overall market, and therefore also have higher expected returns.
This is now known as the Fama-French Three Factor Model, and it’s the basis of the equity strategy used by Dimensional Fund Advisors.
The power of three
All of this might seem obvious today. The idea of beta (the first of the three factors) has been around since the 1960s, and the first studies showing that small-cap stocks outperform large caps appeared in the early 1980s. Value investing is an even older idea. “People have known that value stocks outperform since the beginning of the last century,” Ferri explained in our recent interview. Benjamin Graham and David Dodd published Security Analysis in 1934, and the book is still widely read today. Less well known is John Burr Williams’ The Theory of Investment Value, published in 1938. “Williams talked about how important dividends are. From the 1880s through to the 1950s, stocks typically paid over 60% of their earnings in dividends. So the book was basically about how investment value is based on dividends, which is a value-type factor.”
The problem with these early investing theories was that they couldn’t be quantified. Before computers and databases of historical returns, it was impossible to tease out these factors and use them to explain a portfolio’s performance. There were also different ideas of what a value stock was. Did that mean one with a high dividend yield? A low price-to-earnings multiple? A high book-to-market ratio?
The analysis began in the 1970s, Ferri explains, “but it was Fama and French who really quantified everything and put it all together. They were able to create a simple, elegant model of why portfolios perform the way they do.” This elegant model demonstrated that a money manager’s supposed skill could be an illusion. A fund’s outperformance may not be due to alpha at all; it might simply be the result of the fund’s exposure to the Fama-French factors.
Think of it like this: no one celebrates an equity fund manager who outperforms a bond fund, because it doesn’t take skill to simply accept stock market risk. Fama and French took this idea two steps further. Say, for example, a Canadian equity fund beats the S&P/TSX Composite Index over some period, and the manager takes credit for her superior stock-picking skills. An analysis using the Fama-French model can reveal whether the fund had more exposure to small and value stocks compared to the overall market. If it did, then the manager did not add any alpha. Investors in the fund were simply compensated for taking more risk.
No need to pick stocks
Ferri elaborated on this idea in our chat. “What this means is that you can analyze the monthly returns of any broadly diversified stock portfolio over a 10-year period, and without knowing anything else, you can determine what percentage was in value stocks, and what percentage was in small-cap stocks. Then when you actually look at that the portfolio to see what stocks were in it, lo and behold, that’s the way it was invested. The model is rigorous, and it’s statistically significant.” Fama and French found that beta alone explained about 70% of returns, while the size and value factors accounted for another 25%.
The upshot was that now you didn’t need a brilliant manager to pick individual stocks: you could simply design a portfolio that was exposed to the Fama-French risk factors in whatever proportion suited your goals. “Now we have a new model for building portfolios, and you can use passive funds to do it. You don’t need security selection: you’re going to get 95% of the way there with index funds. And the lower cost of doing it this way overrides any benefit that you might get from individual security selection.”
So if your investment strategy is based on picking individual securities, or on hiring professional managers to do that for you, the Fama-French research suggests that these decisions will impact a mere 5% of your portfolio’s overall performance. Even then, chances are that the impact will be negative.
Interesting theory, although I usually find these finance models to have very little value in practice.
Very interesting article, Dan. It’s looking more and more like index investing is the way to go. Keep up the good work.
Thank you for the article on this fascinating topic.
Count me in!
Security Analysis Benjamin Graham and David Dodd came out in 1934, 4 years BEFORE John Burr Williams published The Theory of Investment Value, so Ben Graham was looking at value long before he had heard of John Burr Williams ‘ book.
I would love a copy of the power of passive investing.
Thanks for the article on passive investing. I would be interested in knowing if ETFs are suitable for a short horizon of 8-10 years.
Sounds like an interesting read!
@Jim: Sorry if the chronology is fuzzy here. I guess it’s best to think of the two as contemporaries who influenced one another. You’re correct, of course, that Graham and Dodd appeared before Williams’ book, though Williams’ research began in the 1920s, well before The Theory of Investment Value was published. For what it’s worth, Wikipedia calls Williams “one of the first economists to view stock prices as determined by intrinsic value” and says he’s “recognised as a founder and developer of fundamental analysis.”
Thank you for the informative post. It’s nice to see the three-factor model explained in such simple terms — I may use your words when elucidating our investment strategy to my wife :)
@Raman: Thanks, but why are you explaining investing to your wife? Who wears the pants in your house? :) (Please note my irony here, and see Monday’s post:
I don’t have much to offer in the way of a comment, but I sure would like to win the book!
Sounds very interesting. Please throw my name in the hat.
Great post! It’s neat to see the math involved in investing. I would love to learn more by winning a free copy of Rick Ferri’s book!
your posts really are a great read—and I love a blogger with a sense of humour (re your reply to Raman). hilarious! count me in for the book draw and thank you again for all of your work.
Looks like a great book. It is already on my Amazon wish list.
Thanks for the insight. Please put my name in the draw.
Great post! Thanks!
Great post Dan! Keep up the good work – and try to pick my name for the free book this time!
A bunch of words–for free! I want them in my head.
Great series of articles. I look forward to reading the book. An excellent complement is The Four Pillars of Investing by William Bernstein
great article!!
Interesting work! I wonder if one could predict to a fair degree of precision its future performance?
I would really appreciate that book. Yhank you
Very interesting and informative article. I wonder which managers added true alpha to their portfolio performance over the last two decades. Probably just a handfull.
By the way, you could track the returns of all your couch potato portfolios over time and discover your own theory of what works for Canadians. Maybe write a book!
First time I’ve heard of the Fama-French Three Factor Model and I find this hard to believe. What I understand from the article is that if I build two portfolios, one highly overweight with tech stocks and one highly overweight with resource stocks.
I think I could build these portfolios with equal levels of beta and equal levels of small cap stocks. I would probably expect both portfolios to be terrible with regard to the book-to-market ratio. Then wait five years and they would have close to the same returns. This I find hard to believe.
However a copy of the book would be nice.
@Stephen: The FFTM is more complex than that. First off, five years is too short a time period to look at. Second, the portfolios in question must be broadly diversified to eliminate single-company or single-sector risk. In the example you give, both of your portfolios would have only a small number of stocks exposed to one sector, so the analysis would not be meaningful.
I like Sean’s idea above – would love to see a book on winning Couch Potato portfolio evolution over time. Please enter me in the drawing, and thanks for offering it!
It would be really cool to have a small web survey somewhere on your page to determine which couch potato portfolio is the most popular.
I’d imagine it would be the global couch potato.. But the results could be interesting.
This is very interesting, now if TD would offer a small-cap e fund that would be a great addition. Count me in for the book draw!
I understand how small-cap stocks carry more risk than larger companies or the market as a whole, but I find it so counter-intuitive that value stocks would carry more risk than the market.
Either way, 95% of the variance of returns is explained by things that have nothing to do with stock selection, and that’s pretty compelling evidence not to bother spending time picking individual securities!
Thanks for the post.
@Steve: You raise a good point. Fama and French (and others who have discussed the “value premium”) can’t necessarily explain why these risk factors exist. There are theories, but they’re hard to prove because they involve human emotions: companies that people neglect or ignore may be undervalued, and when the market realizes this, the price goes up and the stock performs well. But stocks can be priced low for a number of reasons, and you can’t always separate “good, but surprisingly cheap” from “crap, and therefore likely to go down even more.” So the risk may come from there.
Makes you think what all the highly paid analysts are doing all day :-).
Interesting as always.
Count me in for the draw !
Sounds like an interesting book. Your blog has been a great source of information and inspiration as I completely transform my under-performing portfolio to follow a couch potato strategy. Thanks.
@CCP: Yes, I think that’s exactly right. Value stocks are either undervalued by the market and therefore will gain when value is recognized, or they’re fairly valued and priced accordingly and are just, as you said, crap (and therefore more risky).
Interestingly, if one of the premises of passive investing is rooted in efficient markets, I still grapple with understanding how value stocks can be underpriced or unloved in a systematic way. I think Malkiel writes about that in Random Walk, but I can’t recall off hand how he explains this.
Please count me in for your draw. Your blog is very good and offers a lot of insight. I totally buy into the passive approach, particularly due to the concept that markets are efficient and it’s a fools game to think you have some special insight that will put you well ahead but when it get’s this theoretical I have trouble making the leap……but I am interested in learning more.
This book sounds like a really interesting read! I’d love the opportunity to win it :)
The book sounds like a good read.
Have been using Mr Ferri’s “All about asset allocation” for a number of years as my personal investing “bible”
Thanks for the chance to win his newest book.
Thanks for the very interesting post, and for the chance to win!
Thanks for another great blog. I have learned a lot from your site and the comments that follow. Please enter me into the draw for the book.
Great post!
Great column as always, CCP!
After reading several blogs on passive investing I have decided to transfer out of mutual funds and into ETFs. Will likely use some of your model portfolios as a guide. Your give-away book will definitely be of help — count me in! Thanks.
A quick follow up. I put a rough approximation of the Fama-French model into the TD Waterhouse webbroker screener: Market cap 1, Price/Book < 1. When I left the exchange undefined or limited it to any US exchanges the model badly underperformed the DJIA, NASDAQ Composite or Russell 2000, but when I limited the results to any Canadian exchanges it dramatically outperformed the S&P/TSX Composite or S&P/TSX Venture Composite. A quick glance indicated that most of the 118 securities included in the Canadian version are small cap resource stocks.
Good post. Sign me up for free stuff!
@Russ S: I’m not sure I understand what kind of simulation you ran, but I should stress that the Fama-French model is not a magic formula. You can’t just plug in small-cap and value stocks and see instant outperformance over all markets and time periods. These are long-term strategies that are subject to a lot of short-term variance and a lot of noise.
Count me in please. :)
Informative post.
Count me in please! thanks